Motion Hub Networking
In this article, we'll talk about some of the basics of ensuring your Motion Hub can talk to the various devices that are connected to the same network.
This part should be simple, as Motion Hub is designed to easily connect itself to the cloud once it is provided internet access.
Inbound Rules
Motion Hub does not require any inbound ports to be opened to connect to the cloud. Never route any public internet-facing traffic/ports to Motion Hub (this is how networks will be configured by default, so no extra work is needed here).
Outbound Rules
Outbound communication to the cloud typically "just works", but networks with stricter policies may need to be configured to allow these outbound traffic rules:
Outbound only
Outbound only
Local Network
Physical Ports
Motion Hubs with two networking ports are shipped with both ports enabled and configured for DHCP address assignment. Either port can be used.
IP Address Assignment
By default, Motion Hub will receive its local IP address from a local DHCP server.
Static IP addresses can only be configured by submitting a support ticket at this time.
Routing Considerations
Your Motion Hub must be able to communicate with devices on your network.
Basic networks will often be small enough and lack routing restrictions, enabling communication right out of the box.
For more advanced network configurations that are more restrictive by default (e.g. larger enterprise environments), you (or your IT/networking engineers) must ensure any given Motion Hub has a route to communicate with the devices the Motion Hub needs to reach.
Special consideration may be needed for BACnet devices. Learn more here.
IPv4 vs. IPv6
Motion Hub is tested on IPv4 and dual-stack (IPv4 + IPv6) networks only. IPv6-only networks are not officially supported, although Motion Hub may work without issue on IPv6-only networks.
Last updated