Add a Modbus Device


To successfully add your Modbus TCP devices into Motion, make sure:

  • You've already activated a Motion Hub with which you want to associate your BACnet device

  • The Motion Hub and the BACnet device are connected to the same local area network and the network is not blocking communication between the Motion Hub and the BACnet device

Adding a Modbus TCP Device

Every Modbus TCP Device will need to be manually entered. Every Modbus TCP device requires an IP Address and a Slave ID, and in the steps below we will instruct users on how to do this.

Step 1: Navigate to "Add Devices" view


From anywhere in the Motion Platform, click "Controls" on the left-hand side vertical menu

Under the Controls menu, click "Devices"

Click "Add Devices" tab

Step 2: Navigate to "Add Device Manually" view


Click on the "Manual Entry" option, located inside of the Modbus TCP window

Step 3: Input Modbus TCP device details

You are now in the "Add Device Manually" view for a Modbus TCP device. You will now input the following information in the following sections:

  1. Motion Hub

  2. Name

  3. Local IP Address

  4. Protocol

  5. Modbus Slave ID

  6. Save/Revert


Motion Hub

Select the Motion Hub associated with the device to be added.

Click on the Motion Hub section to view the pop-up menu of connected Motion hubs

Search for or click on the preferred Motion Hub that will read this device


Give your new device a name that will make it easily identifiable on the platform

Input the desired name in the section below

Local IP Address

Locate the Local IP address provided by the device manufacturer.

Input the Local IP address in the appropriate section


Make sure the protocol name reads "Modbus TCP".

If not, click on this section and choose "Modbus TCP"

Modbus Slave ID

Locate the Modbus Slave ID which will be provided by the device manufacturer in the user manual.

Input the Modbus Slave ID in the section below


Make sure everything is correct, and click the "Save" button

Last updated