Configuring Motion Tiles

Steps to Configure a Motion Tile

Step 1: Navigate to "Configure Tile" view

There are several ways to access the "Configure Tile" view for any given Motion Tile.

  1. Controls > Tile view

  2. Mosaic Dashboard

Tile View

The Tile view is accessible from the Controls view. This view shows a list of all Motion Tiles that have been added to the platform.

Mosaic Dashboard

For tiles that have been linked to a Mosaic App, you can access the tile configuration view directly from the Motion Tile itself in the Mosaic Dashboard view.

Overview: Configuration settings

In the configuration view, you will have the option to input settings in the following windows:

  1. Basics

  2. Color

  3. Data Display

  4. Alarms

  5. Icon

  6. Apps

Step 2: Input Basics settings

In this window, you will:

  1. Input name of Motion Tile

  2. Assign the writability of the Motion Tile

Tile Name


This setting determines whether users should have the ability to change the tile's value—for example, changing the value for a thermostat setpoint tile. This setting does not define whether the underlying point actually supports writing values; rather, it merely determines whether the Motion Platform will allow a user to attempt to change the value.

Hence it is possible for a tile to be connected to a read-only device point that can never actually be physically changed by an end user (e.g. current room humidity, which is merely a reading of a current condition, not a settable value) but for this setting to be incorrectly set to "Read+Write". If this situation occurs, attempts to change the value will simply fail.

But it is also possible for the tile to be connected to a writable device point, while setting this setting to "Read-Only". This can be valuable in situations where you simply do not want an end user to have control over that point, but you want the end user to be able to monitor the current and historical values.

Step 3: Assign the tile a color combination

These color combinations for individual Motion Tiles will be displayed on the user's Mosaic dashboard. Customize the color to your liking.

Step 4: Input data output settings

This feature will display the data in the unit specified. You can also customize the amount of decimal places. In this configuration section, you will configure the following items:

  1. Data Units

  2. Decimal Places

Step 5: Input data transformation settings

This configuration setting becomes necessary when a manufacturer device only displays points in a specific unit. If the unit needs to be converted, you will utilize this setting.

In this configuration section, you will configure the following items (Figure 9):

  1. Conversion Formula

  2. Multiplier

  3. Calibration Offset

Step 6: Enable/Disable Tile Alarm Conditions

Alarm Conditions

Alarms are a highly desired software feature provided by Motion. For every Motion Tile, you will be able to configure up to four alarm conditions.

Auto-Clear Alarms

This feature was engineered for alarm management purposes.

  1. Never: Alarm will not clear until user manually "clears" it. Alarm timestamp will be logged in Alarms view.

  2. Only When Acknowledged: Alarm will not clear until the user "acknowledges" or "clears" the alarm. Alarm timestamp will be logged in Alarms view.

  3. Always: Alarm will automatically clear when the tile is not longer in an alarm state. Alarm timestamp will still be logged in Alarms view. View the example provided here:

    • EXAMPLE: A user configures a tile with a high warning alarm state when the room temperature reaches/exceeds 75 degrees. Therefore, the threshold is configured for at-or-above 75 degrees. When the room temperature reaches 75 degrees, the Motion Tile will enter an alarm state and the user will be notified. In this example, assume the user selected "Always" in the Auto-clear Alarms menu. The room temperature in this area of the building reached 75 degrees, but then dropped below 75 degrees. The Motion Tile will automatically clear the alarm without the user needing to manually clear it.

Step 7: Configure Alarm Condition Settings

When the alarm condition is enabled, you will be able to select from additional alarm condition configuration options and criteria (Figure 12):

  1. When Value is: Type in the alarm value criteria for which will act as threshold to be satisfied to tigger the alarm on that condition

  2. Play Sound: Turn on sound notifications which will play on your device when alarm criteria is satisfied

  3. Show Message: Customize written instructions (i.e. "call ABC facilities at xxx-xxx-xxxx") which will appear to the user when the alarm criteria is satisfied

  4. Show Icon: Customize the icon which will appear when the alarm criteria is satisfied

Step 8: Choose a Tile Icon for your Motion Tile

For each tile, you can customize the Tile Icon for display purposes.

Preliminary Assumption: you have created a Motion App(s) that can be linked to the Motion Tile.

For each Motion Tile you create, you will link it to one or more Motion Apps for which you want the Motion Tile to appear in.

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