Add a BACnet Device


To successfully add your BACnet devices into Motion, make sure:

  • You've already activated a Motion Hub with which you want to associate your BACnet device

  • The Motion Hub and the BACnet device are connected to the same local area network and the network is not blocking communication between the Motion Hub and the BACnet device

Two Methods to Add a BACnet Device

There are two methods to add a BACnet device to Motion:

  1. BACnet device discovery

  2. Manual device entry

Both methods are described next. To access these methods, you must first navigate to "Add Devices" (described next).

Step 1: Navigate to the "Add Devices" view


From anywhere in the Motion Platform, click "Controls" on the left side vertical menu

Under the Controls menu, click "Devices" on the left side vertical menu

Click on "Add Devices"

Step 2: Choose a method for adding your BACnet device

You can add BACnet devices by clicking one of the two options. View below:

BACnet Options
  1. Discover Devices (Lime Green Box)

  2. Manual Entry (Red Box)

Step 3a: Discover Devices

In this view, you will search and select the desired Motion Hub to discover devices. You will then select the time needed to discover that device. The "Device Discovery" view is broken down into three sections:

  1. Motion Hub

  2. Timeout

  3. Start Discovery / Abort

Motion Hub


Search and/or select a Motion Hub connected to the same network as the BACnet/IP devices you want to find via device discovery Click the drop menu in the Motion Hub section

Search for and/or click the desired Motion Hub that appears in the pop-up menu


The timeout setting defines the amount of time before the Motion Hub will stop waiting for a response from BACnet/IP devices when attempting the device discovery. Some devices require more time than others to respond, due to factors such as device age and link speed.


Click the appropriate timeout setting to accommodate those cases

Start Discovery

When the above settings have been selected, you are ready to discover devices on the active Motion Hub.


Click "Start Discovery"

Step 3b: Add Device Manually

In this view, users can add a device manually in the event that the Motion Hub is not identifying the device. This view is broken down into seven sections which you will input device details into:

  1. Motion Hub

  2. Name

  3. Local IP Address

  4. Protocol

  5. BACnet Instance ID

  6. BACnet MS/TP Network Number (optional)

  7. BACnet MS/TP MAC Address (optional)

Manual Entry Inputs

Motion Hub

Search and/or select a Motion Hub connected to the same network as the BACnet/IP devices you want to find via device discovery

Click the "Motion Hub" Menu to select the desired Motion Hub


Give your new device a name that will make it easily identifiable throughout Motion platform.

Type the Name in the appropriate section

Local IP Address

Input the correct local IP Address inside of this section


For BACnet/IP, this will always be a default option.

No action is required in this section

BACnet Instance ID

Type in the BACnet Instance ID below

BACnet MS/TP Network Number (if applicable)

This is only required for MS/TP devices bridged to an IP network with a BACnet router. If provided, a MAC address is required.

If applicable, type the MAC address the in section below

BACnet MS/TP MAC Address (if applicable)

This is only required for MS/TP devices bridged to an IP network with a BACnet router. If provided, a network number is required.

If applicable, type the network number in the section below


Make sure to double check all information that been manually entered is correct. Then click "Save"

Last updated